Eastern Africa Federation of Engineering Organisations
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  • Objectives of EAFEO

    • The Eastern Africa Federation of Engineering Organisations (EAFEO is a regional organization established by the Engineering Institutions of Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda as founder members and in future to include as necessary all countries in the East Africa with the following objectives: -
    • To foster co-operation and exchange of information among its National Members, (by establishment of a Data Bank on selected aspects of interest such as engineering expertise, engineering facilities and education systems;).
    • To encourage effective engineering manpower development and utilisation in the region and to facilitate travel of engineers and engineering students between different countries in the region for the purpose;
    • To encourage and to foster the goal-oriented activities of National Institutions and Associations of Engineers in the region;
    • To promote and harmonise engineering education, training and continuing education of the engineers in the region;
    • To provide researched solutions to engineering problems in the region.
    • To motivate engineers to work towards the social and economic development of the countries in the region;
    • To promote, in collaboration with national Governments, regional and international agencies, regional co-operation in utilizing science and technology for industrial development in areas such as:
      • working for ecological and environmental issues;
      • improving indigenous engineering capability of the region;
      • studying the utilization of energy resources for optimum benefits in the region;
      • working for balanced industrial growth and mutually advantageous transfer of know-how, technology and similar activities;
    • To win support of the International Organisations such as WFEO, FAEO, UNESCO, UNIDO, UNDP, etc. on issues of engineering interest.
    • To promote and support Cooperation Agreements adopted in the region.
    • To advise regional bodies such as EAC, SADC, COMESA, etc on the priority activities applicable to the region;
    • To represent the region in world organisations for fruitful collaborative activities without prejudice to members’ National Membership to such bodies as CEC, WFEO and others.
    • To do any other activities to fulfil these objectives.


    The Eastern Africa Federation of Engineering Organisations (EAFEO is a regional organization established by the Engineering Institutions of Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda as founder members and in future to include as necessary all countries in the East Africa with the following objectives: -

    The Vision of the EAFAEO is:

    "To be a reputable and respectable Federation of Engineering institutions in the East of Africa."


    To promote technology and science through partnering, collaborating, teaming and articulating to create a sustainable living in the region

    Core values

    • Strive to adopt and adapt appropriate technologies.
    • Maintaining highest degree of Professionalism and Ethical standards.
    • Empower and respect engineers to enable them make decisions which commensurate with developmental plans.
    • Encourage creativity and innovations to enhance capability in resolving engineering challenges.
    • Enhance integrity, teamwork, accountability and non discrimination.


    Members of the Federation

    • The Institution of Engineers Tanzania (IET)
    • The Institution of Engineers of Kenya (IEK)
    • Uganda Institution of Professional Engineers (UIPE)
    • Institution of Engineers Rwanda (IER)


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